
Carpeta Relaciones y Política Internacional


pdf 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Popular

Por Etiquetado en marzo2021, Novedades 1836 descargas

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2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report

Título completo: 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 

Fecha de publicación: 28 de enero de 2021

Institución participante: University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons 

Fragmento original: Abstract

Background on the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania conducts research on the role policy institutes play in governments and civil societies around the world. Often referred to as the “think tanks’ think tank,” TTCSP examines the evolving role and character of public policy research organizations. Over the last 30 years, TTCSP has developed and led a series of global initiatives that have helped bridge the gap between knowledge and policy in critical policy areas such as international peace and security, globalization and governance, international economics, environmental issues, information and society, poverty alleviation and healthcare and global health. These international collaborative efforts are designed to establish regional and international networks of policy institutes and communities that improve policymaking while strengthening democratic institutions and civil societies around the world. TTCSP works with leading scholars and practitioners from think tanks and universities in a variety of collaborative efforts and programs and produces the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index that ranks the world’s leading think tanks in a variety of categories. This is achieved with the help of a panel of over 1,796 peer institutions and experts from the print and electronic media, academia, public and private donor institutions and governments around the world.

pdf Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas América Latina y el Caribe 2020 Popular

Por Etiquetado en febrero2021, Novedades 1598 descargas

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Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas América Latina y el Caribe 2020

Título completo: Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas América Latina y el Caribe 2020

Fecha de publicación: 2020

Institución participante: OCDE Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos

Fragmento original: Prefacio

Esta tercera edición de Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas en América Latina y el Caribe, una publicación conjunta entre la OCDE y el BID, atiende la demanda creciente por evidencia cuantitativa y cualitativa sobre los métodos de trabajo de la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC).

Esta publicación cubre aspectos claves de la gobernanza pública y permite a los formuladores de políticas y a los ciudadanos analizar el desempeño de los gobiernos de ALC y compararlos con una amplia gama de países. Esta edición contiene indicadores sobre la totalidad de la cadena de producción del gobierno desde los insumos, pasando por los procesos hasta los resultados. La presente edición cubre finanzas y empleo públicos, prácticas y procedimientos presupuestarios, gestión de recursos humanos, política y gobernanza regulatoria, datos abiertos gubernamentales, contratación pública, integridad pública y resultados fundamentales de gobierno.

pdf The First 100 Days Popular

Por Etiquetado en enero2021, Novedades 1363 descargas

The First 100 Days

Título completo: The First 100 Days 

Autor: Tom Joyce, Hailey Orr  and Stephanie Kenda

Fecha de publicación: Enero 2021 

Institución participante: MUFG

pdf The End of World Order and American Foreign Policy Popular

Por Etiquetado en Novedades, noviembre2020 1075 descargas

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The End of World Order and American Foreign Policy

Título completo: The End of World Order and American Foreign Policy

Autor: Robert D. Blackwill y Thomas Wright

Fecha de publicación: Mayo de 2020

Institución participante: Council on Foreign Relations

Fragmento original: FOREWORD

World order is a fundamental concept of international relations. At its core, world order is a description and a measure of the world’s condition at a particular moment or over a specified period of time. It tends to reflect the degree to which there are widely accepted rules as to how international relations ought to be carried out and the degree to which there is a balance of power to buttress those rules so that those who disagree with them are not tempted to violate them or are likely to fail if in fact they do. Any measure of order necessarily includes elements of both order and disorder and the balance between them.

pdf The Intent and Impact of U.S. Sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela Popular

Por Etiquetado en Novedades, septiembre2020 943 descargas

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The Intent and Impact of U.S. Sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela

Autor: Professor Celina B. Realuyo

Fecha de publicación: Octubre 2019

Institución participante: William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies

Fragmento original: National governments and international bodies like the United Nations (U.N.) and the European Union impose economic sanctions to force changes in behavior, whether that is through coercion, deterrence, punishment or shame to the countries, entities and individuals that endanger their interests or violate international norms of behavior. Sanctions are also used to advance foreign policy goals like counterterrorism, nonproliferation, and the promotion of democracy and human rights. For the U.S., the Trump administration’s sanctions program to pressure and deprive the Maduro regime economically has been prominent in the news lately and is considered a lower-cost, lower-risk, middle course of action between diplomacy and the use of military force to restore democracy in Venezuela. This article will examine the intent of U.S. sanctions and distinguish between the different types of sanctions while assessing their positive and negative impacts in the cases of Cuba and Venezuela. The complex and dynamic nature of these sanctions programs underscores the need for compliance officers to keep constantly abreast of changes to designations.