
pdf Mexican Military Culture 2021 Popular

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Mexican-Military-Culture 2021.pdf

Mexican Military Culture 2021

Autor: Raúl Benítez Manaut y Craig A. Deare

Fecha de publicación: 2021

Institución participante: FIU (Florida International University)

Fragmento original: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The analysis presented in this report argues that rather than a single coherent and unified “military” culture, Mexico has two separate and distinct military cultures: That of the Mexican Army, which is better known and predominates, and that of the Mexican Navy, which is less well known and clearly secondary. Both the army and navy were integral to the Secretaría de Estado de Guerra y Marina (Secretariat of State of War and Navy), one of the first four governmental institutions created post-Revolution in 1821. The structure was not unlike the U.S. Department of War (founded in 1787) and the separate Department of the Navy, although, in the United States, the two were independent organizations.